Thursday, June 30, 2005

6 months gone

It rained day before yesterday…something I had been waiting for since the initiation of summers. I love rain like any other girl but my motive for loving it is unlike any other girl’s. It’s the one time where I can just sit by myself; take out all my worries while the sky camouflages my tears. Nobody can tell that I have been crying. And when occasionally there is a rainbow, I like to believe in one cliché’…the soul would have no rainbows had the eyes no tears. And so it rained…and so I cried.
My date sheet for CSS exams is here. I have to study now, have to take days off and make sure I clear the exams. More than anything else, this is necessary for my ego.
I asked Sadaf yesterday what was wrong with her and she said: ”batool! What can u do”. I used to think that listening and sharing helps. But it doesn’t. I have shared my pain with many people despite my best judgment. And she is right…it doesn’t help. So I pledged last night that I will never tell another soul my sob story…and those that already know have heard the last of my sighs. I gotta take care of today…no looking back and absolutely no regrets!


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