Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Farigh Time!!!

I can't really believe how much free time i have in the mornings now. Ever since the bulk of my my responsibilities has been shifted to current affairs, i have so much free time on my hands in the morning.

Yesterday, i went home after 6 again and ran into sanny in my street. Had been meaning to drop by at her place since we have been missing our walks together, so she and I walked to her home. stayed there till 2030, talked my head off, confiscated her Bhangra CD...figured before i quit music completely i shd listen to this one neglected genre, came back home, had dinner, sang my head off to Ammi, till she fell asleep (or maybe pretended to sleep so i wud leave her alone!). then i called up shan and though shan is generally starved for phone calls from home, he had to tell me that the call had stretched to it's max. then dad called and i ended up chatting with him. Bhai came home late as usual and i ended up singing to him as well. These people better give me some work to do in the mornings or i will drive everyone insane.


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