Monday, September 26, 2005

sneezing my head off

This has to be my favorite Monday so far. Came to the office and don’t really have much to do. Haven’t even called the stock market yet.

Noreen was in town day before yesterday. We pretty much had the day to ourselves, except this one meeting with Boss. She observed that boss picks on me a lot and this is true. Not a day goes by that he tells me that I am valuable to the organization incase MMA takes over Islamabad. Lol, I don’t really mind him saying that. I think it has strengthened my resolve to wear the hijab. Anyhoo, we had lunch with office walas and then we went to Hotspot. We talked about life, work, life, boss, life, books and life! Then we walked back to Jinnah and came back to office just in time for her to go back. I really look forward to Noreen’s visits. We planned our trip to Khi for Sam’s Birthday. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun!

Dad left for Oxford yesterday for some ECBI Fellowship course. Bhai, Ammi and I drove him to the airport at 6 a.m. and then I slept the whole Sunday morning away. When I woke up, mom announced her intention to visit mamoo’s family and though I have been trying to avoid Da’ with her endless deadlines, I did want to go see Dada ji. Plus, the drive to and from NK is always a temptation. We reached NK at around four, dropped Ammi off at Mamoos and then went to see Da’ and Dada ji. I have learnt to navigate my way away from those imminent conversations that Da is forever ready to have with me. Talking to Dada ji is fun though. He has all these stories to tell about his life. There, I met these two little girls who live in dada’ ji neighborhood and give my grandparents company in the evening. I sat down with the two of them and we started talking. Now, I don’t have a cold but for some reason, this past week I have been sneezing at regular intervals. Well, as we were talking, I sneezed and the younger one, Asfa said, do you know what that means? And I said ‘that I probably have an allergy’ and she said, ‘no when you sneeze someone’s thinking of you’. Lol…kids, they can believe anything we tell them to believe. That I think is the most endearing thing about children. I used to believe all the stories that my dada ji and nana ji used to tell me. Facts and Reason kill the very magic of life!


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