Monday, September 12, 2005

i Hate Mondays

Here i am...back in office. the pace of the day is mercuric at best. one time i am rushing to get some assignment i am just lazing...which is what i am doing right. wrote a blog yesterday and wasn't able to post it. that makes two blogs that are yet to be posted...but post them i shall. elsewise...nothing new 'cept that Nubz told me this morning that her guy Hyd really liked me when we first met and since his family is looking for a girl for his older brother...he suggested me to his Mother. anyhoo, that couldn't materialize because the guy's 34! it seems that i only attract old people...grandparents like me, mothers like me...i seem to be a magnet for people related to unavailable people!
anyhoo, will try postin' my birthday blog and the muree blog, hopefully tonight.


Blogger An Enlightened Fellow said...

Don't you love how the two people who posted here before me are utilizing other people's blogs for spamming purposes. Anyway, thanks for the praise for all three things you praised me for. :)

11:33 PM  

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