Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Finally i am posting my birthday blog!

Here I am...twenty odd years old and I mean this age is odd. As I said earlier, I was not very keen on celebrating my birthday but I guess Sana’s enthusiasm was contagious. I figured I was not in a celebratory mood because I was thinking about the philosophical significance of my life which actually in nothing and that bothers me. So I made a pact with myself, go twenty four hours without thinking about it.
And I pretty much did!
Naila, one of my colleagues from AAJ who is now in GEO, messaged me on 2nd, thinking it was my birthday and i guess the fact that she remembered was so sweet that I thanked her with all my heart.
Bhai got me flowers, tube roses actually since they are my year round favorite. He also got me two books, the Holy Woman by Qaisra Shahraz and Fear of mirrors by Tariq Ali. The whole night passed in a swirl of messages and phone calls. I figured I should keep a list of all the names who did. FIR was the first to sms and call. Then Saba, Usman, Bhai messaged me from his room, Sam, Ali (quite a surprise), Saniya, Hassan, Sana, Shumaila my classmate from Jeddah who is now a doctor called ( another big surprise), Candy, Shan, then Nubla, Saddy ( saddy actually messaged me at night but damn Mobilink!!!), two unknown numbers who obviously know me well (0300-9504106 and 03005313514), Sahir messaged and scrapped, Ashu, Reema, Faizan and Shakeel from AAJ and Sidz. Noreen called twice (bless her kind heart). Attiya called from Lahore. Hassan sent me my birthday present from Karachi, my very first cross-country birthday present ever! It contained a book ‘Beyond the face value’ by Tudung and an autographed CD of Fuzon which features one of my all time favorite songs “khamaj”. Thank god for people like Hassan. He believes more in me than I do in myself. Anila was the first to greet me in the office. The day passed pretty well Alhumdulilah. My office people, Younas Sohail in particular arranged for my birthday party and I cut my cake. Mr. Mamoo passed me a smile and I figured i could only punish him by not offering him any of my cake…!!!
Then I took a couple of my friends out for Hi-Tea. It was a lot of fun. Saddy got me Charlie Wilson’s war and two other books that I actually read in less than five minutes. We ate, we went shopping and then we went bonkers!!!
We went to Hangout and ordered sheesha which turned out to be smoke-less for some reason. Then I don’t know how but everyone wanted to smoke cigarettes. And consequently a pack of cigarettes was ordered. And that’s where the numbness I had opted for vanished. When everyone was smoking, I started thinking about my existence again. Where am I? How did I get here? Where do I go from here brigade. I never imagined that I would be this old, this big a loser! And it was obvious on my face…all my life, I hated smoking, not smokers…smoking!!! And I know it has a lure to it that simply cannot be defined…but I just never imagined that something like this would happen and I would be a part of it! I guess I looked so unhappy that saddy hugged me.
But that ended there…we left the place and Sani dropped sanny and I home. Back at home, it was another round of celebrations. Anyhoo, the day passed quickly enough and I think the not thinking façade works for me…so let’s see if till my next birthday, I can carry on like this!


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