My Utopian Hell
So far, I have only written about the things that make me happy, or cause me distress. Today, I will write about things that make me angry and people that I despise. And what I despise are weak men…I hate men who preach one thing and practice another. I hate men who make commitments and on the very first test of loyalty cry off! I hate men who under the pretense of being pious are actually munafiqs. I hate men who have wishbones instead of backbones. I hate men who cannot take charge of their lives and keep on looking for ‘saharai’. I am not angry at men, I am angry at weak men. I am a very conservative person and I essentially believe in the goodness of people. But Lord! Do I have to come across these shallow creatures? Must my faith be tested everyday? How much more of this can I take?
You know what, there are good men with integrity out there, even if they are hard to find. Don't give up on us entirely just because the majority are "despicable."
Lol...i can never give up on men. My father and brothers are good, strong men and i do believe that there are men with integrity out there. i just wish i find one in my life time:)
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