the weather is so beautiful today. one of those days where you feel like being lazy, going to some glade, finding a tree to rest your back and read a good book while listening to soulful music. but thts not gonna happen:)
Nubla observed the other day that i have changed since the fiasco in May. she thinks i have become more serious now. i think i have become a lil' bitter and skeptical but i still laugh, i still enjoy good books, i still love to sleep. but the changes i see in myself have taken place over the years. i am not as fanciful as i used to be...i used to day dream a lot about all kinds of things, becoming an astronaut, being successful, being beautiful. when i seriously think about where i thought i would be five years ago, where i am now is an absolute contrast. back in matric, my Chemistry teacher predicted that in ten years time i would be 'very successful'. tht was back in 96. so 9 years are gone and i am as far from achieving greatness as i am from Jupiter.
but on the sunny side of my life...
i was looked at this picture of Ashwariya Rai..yup the one lady i've seen men drool over, even some one as 'khushk' as Adeel thinks the world of her. well, i noticed this picture of hers in which she looked like she had two tyres instead of a stomach. so i can atleast feel good about my stomach;)
this salesman has been trying to sell me a life insurance policy...i dont know if i should? its money i will get when i am dead!
saddy's hair looks gorgeous btw. Black currant really suits her. wish i could do something about the way i looked. well, i can change the color of my scarves every single day:)
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