Sunday, October 30, 2005

Manic Monday

Shan’s here!!!!

Saturday evening was very pleasant. We were invited at Amrat’s and she is a very good cook. I am forever asking her for recipes. Though I love to cook and so does she, the difference between the two of us is that I don’t eat what I cook. She cooks because she loves to eat. She recently joined the FJ faculty and kept on taunting me how she had nine days off to laze around. Then Bhai took us shopping. Our leather jackets are still not ready. Hers is a size small and mine makes me look like a hanger. This is the third time I have ordered an alteration. As for the pink jacket, it’s a few sizes too big!

I woke up yesterday at around 12:30. I can’t remember the last time I woke up this late. Spent the day doing absolutely nothing. Shan’s flight was expected at 1800 hrs so we basically had khajoor, offered our prayers and rushed to the airport. Shan’s younger than me and almost 12 inches taller. And every time I tell him that I miss him, he says ‘there there lil’ cho!’ Cho, I am told, means butterfly. He’s here for a week InshaAllah and that means that I will be playing chess, cooking macaroni and cheese, making French fries, watching movies, and he has to fix my basketball ring and most importantly listening to my endless chatter and taking me for shopping! I still have some essential shopping to do. Have to buy shoes and scarf to match my sari. And I still have to buy a stole for Usman. I went to Khaddi to get one for him but they had nothing for guys except kurtas and Usman is not a kurta person. I got Usman’s Valima invitation by the way and he chose to use the words printed on the card that were written by me.

I spoke to Shoaib online yesterday. He was my senior in the university and is a family friend. These days, he is studying Finance in Lugano, some place in Switzerland. Anyhoo, my display pic was the one I posted in one of my earlier blogs. He commented that the color was really nice and since usman and saba are known to him as well, I told him how I had nabbed saba’s duppata. We talked about his studies and how he is bay-car these days. Then as I was about to log off and was wishing him well, he said in exactly these words…’and when the time for you to get married comes, consider this color, it suits ya’. I think I am going to remember this compliment :) I think it’s a compliment, isn’t it?

Its taken me over three hours to write these three paragraphs. It is yet another manic Monday at office and Dogar sahib has changed my seat. I like my old seat because sitting at the present one means I constantly have to monitor the facsimile and coordinate with the regional correspondents. I do hope I get off at four so I can go home and make iftari for shan.

Well back to work!


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