Betty's got a gun!
I woke up yesterday as I got a frantic call from our DMT producer. Although I had turned off my cell, the fact that he called on my landline showed how worried he was. Junaid Jamshed was supposed to be our guest that morning but he cancelled at the last minute and we needed a substitute. And who can be a better substitute for a bearded fella then a lady who covers her head. So anyhoo, I rushed to the office without even changing my clothes. Anyhoo, for the first time, I was a guest on a show I myself help to produce. I hope NOBODY saw it.
With an interview kicking off my day, I had another lined up. Only this time I was on the other side thankfully. The UAE Ambassador’s wife had consented to an exclusive interview. Not that the interview itself was extraordinary, the fact that in her five year tenure in Pakistan, this was the first interview she had consented to is. I knew she was going to be pretty, but I didn’t expect her to be so young and petite. And she was so charming and so down to earth. She had been given a list of possible questions I would ask her by her embassy but when I briefed her about the questions I had prepared, she was kind enough to agree to my questions. The interview itself was brief but she told me she wanted me to stay for tea. I don’t take tea but for her benefit I sat there with a cup in my hand. We started talking and she was just so real. She told me about her family, her education, her life here and was genuinely interested in knowing about my line of work and whether I enjoyed it. And she was so encouraging, telling me that she liked the way I interviewed her. We talked about our lives, exchanging views and she offered me some advice as well. I really liked her and her daughter is so adorable. So anyhoo, it was a very memorable meeting.
I am thinking of accompanying my father to either Canada or China in December. Visiting Prince Edward Island is a dream I’ve cherished for a long time now. I fell in love with the place just be watching the series ‘Anne of Green Gables’. But somehow, the time for this visit just doesn’t seem right. I can’t quite put my finger on it. As for China, well, don’t know Chinese, don’t want to roam alone. I guess I should stick to Pakistan and go to Jia’s and visit Sam till I can convince one of my friends to go with me.
omg.. u should have told me :p
why did they interview? and wat was the interview about? write the details pls :)
n wat are the timings? when do u come on tv? would love to c u :)
nice to know that ure a hijabi! :)
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