Monday, November 07, 2005

Another Angry Outburst!!!

Why can’t some people understand when they are not welcome in your life, not even as mere shadows or well-wishers? Why is it that I am confronted with these ridiculous notions harbored by morons that when a girl refuses them, she is playing hard to get? Don’t they understand that if a girl wants somebody in her life, she does what she can to make them stay, not push them away? Why is it so hard for them to comprehend that when a girl likes someone, she likes them for the person they are and not for what they possess? Why can’t they realize it’s never a question of the lands to be acquired or the jewels to be owned but essentially of the life to be lived? Is it such an oddity for a guy to be refused on the basis of his lack of intellect? Has wealth really become the only yardstick for matrimony? And how dare I be threatened that I will regret my decision? Is it not my life to screw up?

Lord!!! I need a break!!!!


Blogger maryam said...

ahh i know wat u mean :/
but sadly thats wat happen now a days

11:28 AM  
Blogger batool said...

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9:57 PM  
Blogger batool said...

Silent Observer: Lol, i wish it didn't happen nowadays or ever and especially never to me but you're does:)

and Nubz Doll!.I just have rotten louck when it comes to men. But hey! in my alternate reality, i.e in bizzaro world, all the good guys must be chasing me;)

9:58 PM  
Blogger maryam said...

hehe danishmand.. i think all girls have wrotten luck when it comes to men.
well exceptions are always there
just keep praying to Allah and do istikhara before taking any major step :)

3:07 AM  
Blogger maryam said...


3:08 AM  
Blogger batool said...

lol...rotten seems to be the dominant word in these comments. it has sure caught on:)

3:31 AM  

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