Thursday, November 10, 2005

First time

There really is a first time for everything. And I guess in my profession, the likelihood of some firsts is more than in others.

Yesterday, I saw my first crime scene. Yup! Not a very cheery first but a first nonetheless. We found out that there was a dead body hanging in the green belt opposite Dunkin Donuts. We were one of the first ones there and then people started stopping to see what was going on. I can very easily go into the gruesome details of the crime scene but I won’t. I can say this though. The police are writing it off as a suicide. No Chance! I saw the body hanging and there is no way on earth he could have hung himself. I am no super sleuth but i have read my fair share of Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes. His legs were about five feet above the ground. There was no chair or ladder lying around that could prove that he climbed the tree, tied the rope and then hung himself. Well whatever the police say, all I can say is that no one deserves to die like this.

Anyhoo, my second first was this amazing dinner comprising of all Arabian dishes. I mean I never had this kind of food even in Middle East. Probably because my interaction with Arabs was almost non-existent. It was at this place called ‘Al-Majlis’ which is owned by some Brazilian lady. I didn’t even know this place existed till I set foot in it. I was a guest of the U.A.E ambassador who was a very gracious host indeed. There I met all the bureau chiefs of Arab News Channels. It was very enlightening as we discussed everything from Rafiq-Al Hariri’s murder & Bashar-ul-Asad’s political strategy to the dearth of relief activities in Earthquake Affected areas. The food was absolutely scrumptious. I noticed that the main ingredient in appetizers was vinegar and I really overate. The Bureau Chief of Abu Dhabi Television was sitting next to me and he kept putting everything in my plate and I kept on eating. It was a little intimidating since everybody else at the table was at least 15 years older than me with years of experience but I really did enjoy both the conversation and the food.

My another first was this morning. After offering my Fajr prayers, I was as usual entreating Allah ji to take care of my family and friends. Now, as a habit, I always ask Allah ji to bless my father and brothers with glorious professional careers. I don’t know how or why, but unconsciously I prayed that Allah bless me with a glorious career as well. I realized what I had asked for only after I had uttered these words. I have never prayed for a career before, never! And yet this morning asking for one came so naturally to me. I guess my teachers were right. I really have changed.

So, I am probably not going to be in Islamabad tomorrow and day after that is Saba & Usman’s wedding. I finally decided what to get for Usman. Anyhoo, it’s gonna be a great wedding InshaAllah as I will get to meet all my university pals and I can’t wait to see Saba & Usman as man & wife. I never believed in Love at first sight but they made me believe in the concept and I have always believed in them. There are no fairytales but what they have sure is close MashaAllah.

InshaAllah this will be a ‘Happily Ever After’.Ameen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like you really enjoy working

10:25 PM  
Blogger batool said...

wow! another first! three anonymous comments in a day. How did i get so lucky?

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a fourth? that's another first!

2:29 AM  
Blogger batool said...

alright! which one of you girls is messing with my blog?

9:00 PM  

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