Tuesday, July 12, 2005

my last blog in all likelyhood

This is my second last day at work before i take off for my escapade called CSS exams. Talat's convinced im gonna flunk...i dont know if i will. i gotta give it a shot. maybe i am trying my luck...i don't know.
Talat just asked me if i could find a place for Noreen in Isloo. i think its a delightful idea, having her around office. Lately, i dont even have lunch cuz i have no one to have lunch with and eating and especially eating out has been a social activity for me. only had lunch with saddy on Friday...not since then. Noreen and i used to plan her move to isloo and if we could take an apartment. its a long shot but its worth a try.
its been raining again. Nubla remarked how much she likes this weather and well i do too. and i love eating samoosas in rainy weather, like saddy and i used to in PAF. tht was fun. i used to have samoosas in the office with Aneela but she's away...i think i should develop the habit of eating alone, cuz the way things are, i see plenty of lonely meals.
i will probably not write another blog for atleast another month...atleast. i am actually looking forward to it...i plan on studying seriously...like i have never studied before and actually spending time with my mom. lately i dont sepnd anytime with her...its like samreen's taken my place. and i will have proper breakfasts and i will stay away from the net as much as possible. lets see if i can revert to life as i knew it before starting this job and M.Sc.
i dont know when and if i will write the next blog. emotions and expressions have become cumbersome and every passing day makes me realize that they are useless and normally misunderstood. this blog is also an expression. i may write again...i maynot. i dont know how i will be by the time exams end. i may find some solace...but i find it unlikely. i can escape the world...i cannot escape myself.


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