Friday, September 02, 2005


thought i might spalsh in some humor for a change
I found this wacky horoscope...which is more like horrorscope;)

Those Born Today - You are oblivious to what others notice on first sight. Your birthday suit is somewhat wrinkled and several sizes to small. Your beauty spots are now liver spots. Your adult undergarment leaks through at the bottom. You have a close relationship with the Creator as you are almost the same age. Buzzards circle above when you stop for any length of time. Don't worry about the expiration date on your jug of milk, it will most likely outlast you.

No, your star sign DOES NOT imply your virginity. Yes, your cousin DOES count as your first, even if you live the the Ozarks. Your 12 children will all have the first name of Billy, (Billy-Jean, Billy-Bob, Billy-Jack, etc.) You will be awarded as owner of the sweetest smelling outhouse in the entire county. Your better-half will be killed this autumn when the still explodes, igniting a 300 gallon vat of moonshine. Aliens will abduct you and return you with a chickens' brain, making you the smartest person in town. Changing your underwear with your sibling does not make you hygenic.

how 'bout that;)


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