Friday, September 09, 2005

Friday Grind!!

well the day's almost done for me in the office. 15 more minutes to go before i make my exit. pretty normal day, cept for this morning, such an incredible rush!. Boss had a presentation today and he had asked me to do the basic research for him yesterday. would u believe that the reason the world hates US these days is the re-election of Bush!! so, anyhoo, he called me in his office in the morn at around 10:30 and and asked me to make slides on power point. i know Power point is EEEEEEEEEEzzzzzzz but i have never used power point. (yup the uneducated and illiterate person that i am). i had to complete it by noon, on the dot! man! my shoulders still hurt!! that and there was a protest going on outside the National Assembly and i had to constantly monitor the protest and send tickers. finally i handed in the presentation and then ended up chatting with Teatuu and Noreen on orkut. had a really nice lunch, loved the egg fried rice, made exactly to my taste.
now i am gonna go home and go for a walk with Sanny. havent seen her in three days and she's such a part of my life now that it seems like ages since i have seen her.
Family and I are planning on going to Murree with Aban's family. it was fun last time so i am looking forward to it.
Mr. Ateeq, our Daily Morning Trasmission asked me this morning if i had any ideas for the DMT and also said that you're likely to cross over;). i didnt know what he meant but i gave him a couple of ideas and he was like...'Boss is're good. we discussed yesterday that you should be a part of DMT as well. but for now, just start observing the transmission'. so i guess thats something to look forward to as well.
man! my shoulders hurt.
anyhoo, if i get a chance today, i will post the blog i wrote on the night of my birthday. i have not been able to log in from home and that blog is saved in my laptop at home.
and Jia called last night!!! my dear precious Jia. she is well and so is her daughter noor. i love my niece's name. hopefully when i go to khi for Sam's birthday bash, i will go see her as well. looking forward to my khi trip too.
hey thts three things i am looking forward to:). and yeah, tomorrow i am going to go buy the basket ball too!!! Slam Dunk!!!


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